Tried everything?
There is another way.
Getting to the root of the long-term chronic issues and deficiencies you are experiencing, that have often taken your body years to develop, isn't something that happens in a couple of visits, nor is it a cookie cutter approach. With the traditional model of medicine, solutions are often offered through alleviating symptoms, but not going deeper as to why you are suffering in the first place. Our team at Skylight Wellness South all have personal experience and knowledge about the time, commitment, and resolve that it takes to regain health and vitality.
You can start with a free 15-minute Discovery Call if you'd like to see if we are a good fit for one another and to learn more about the services we offer to our clients. If you are accepted as a new client, we will send you a link to our client portal, where you can schedule your first appointment and take care of other client-related items.​​​​​​
Or you can forego the Discovery Call and book the service below that suits you the best!
We look forward to advocating for your good health!
Or forego the Discovery Call and book any of our services:​
Payment Plans or HSA / FSA / HRA
Payment plans for our all of our services may be available to you upon credit approval through our third-party vendors, PayPal Credit and/or Care Credit. Ask our team for more information.
If you have an HSA, FSA, or HRA, you can check with the plan administrator to see if our fees and services are covered.
​Initial visits
One 90-minute clinical care visit + one 45-minute functional health coaching session
Review and analysis of your history​ + prior labs
Labs ordered ​
Treatment team collaboration to establish next steps
Followup visits
One 45-minute clinical followup visit + one 30-minute functional health coaching session
Review lab results​ with you
Review plans with you for your next steps​
​​In Groundwork, our team obtains a thorough history of your story and discusses your goals and concerns at-hand. We review any prior records and lab results you provide to our staff in advance, and new labs as needed are planned and ordered at the end of the first clinical visit. Once the lab findings are available, we will schedule two additional followup visits with your clinician and coach to review your lab findings with you and share our suggestions for your plan of care. Although lab work is a separate cost, the analysis of your lab results and the coach and provider collaboration are included in the cost of the Groundwork.​ For scheduling help, call us at (615) 716-1776. * If you are signing up for our Addiction Recovery Membership Track, our Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse counselor will be part of this collaboration.
Step 2: Choose one of our three Membership Tracks after you complete Groundwork.
In addition to the care listed for each Track below, our Memberships also include:​
Text consults with our team, as needed
10% off all of our dispensary supplements
Access to your private client portal
Admission to our programs and groups​
Priority appointment options that work for you
No contracts, cancel anytime
Our premier monthly Membership Tracks are designed for our clients who have chronic conditions and desire the option of more ongoing care for the amount of time they choose. With our no-contract Membership model, you'll experience (and enjoy!) a close working relationship with our team. This is not a cookie cutter, quick approach -- we tailor our care to YOU and YOUR needs, while evaluating and celebrating your progress. ​​
physical restoration
30-minute clinical care visit
45-minute health coach session
Additional perks above
The Physical Restoration Track offers complex care for difficult and unresolved chronic symptoms and inflammation. Are you living with chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, body aches, or other symptoms that your doctors haven’t been able to help you solve? Or maybe they haven't really been listening? Are you ready to heal but don't know where to begin, or are at your wit's end trying to find solutions? We combine traditional health care, the holistic wisdom of functional medicine, along with alternative medicine, to find and treat the issues beyond your symptoms. ​
mood support
30-minute clinical care visit
45-minute health coach session
Additional perks above
The Mood Support Track combines a suite of services and benefits that addresses chronic mood problems, such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, and bipolar. ​It’s an essential and life-affirming decision to get help for chronic mood disorders. And, we gladly work with clients receiving TMS or ketamine treatment!​ We give you an extra layer of accountability and support in your care team as we walk alongside you AND your mental health providers to help you end guessing and self-medicating for your health needs, which ultimately impacts your ability to recover. Together, we tackle the physical, genetic and lifestyle factors impacting your moods and cycles, while providing integrative clinical care and coaching, for as long as needed.
addiction recovery
50-minute addiction counseling session
30-minute clinical care visit
45-minute health coach session
Additional perks above
It's a courageous and life-saving decision to get help for addiction and enter recovery. It's hard work and we can help. Our team provides a suite of alcohol and drug abuse counseling, integrative clinical care, and coaching, for as long as you need. We believe in the whole body approach of addiction recovery. Together, we tackle the physical, genetic, and lifestyle factors that greatly impact your recovery and walk alongside you to alleviate any guess work for what works best for YOUR body as you break the cycle of self-medicating. Our method of care offers you extra layers of accountability to stay on track with your recovery program, and is designed to especially provide a safety net for as you work through your recovery and/or acute mood conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Included: One 50-minute addiction counseling, one 45-minute functional health coaching session, and integrative clinical visits as needed, plus text consultations through your member portal as needed throughout the month.
Or, you can choose care one visit at a time.
Fee for Service care is our "one visit at a time" option for new clients and those who are looking for a integrative and functional approach to care, but not yet ready to join at the Membership level. ​​
If you decide to convert to our Membership Care after your initial fee-for-service evaluation appointment, you can do so, and a portion of your initial fee will be applied towards your level of Membership. If multiple Fee for Service appointments are needed within a year, an upgrade to a Membership may be suggested, but not required. It's also fine to stay as a fee-for-service client if a Membership isn't for you!
clinical: initial visit
During this 90-minute initial care visit, we will obtain a thorough history of your story and discuss your goals and concerns at-hand. We review any prior records and lab results that you provide to our staff in advance, and new labs ordered at the end of the visit. Lab results will be reviewed when ready and next steps and potential treatment pathways discussed.
coaching: all sessions
Although working with your Functional Nutrition coach helps you figure out which foods are are best for your body, it's so much more than learning about nutrition! We help you align all parts of your life and you'll feel equipped to meet your short- and long-term goals. After each session, your coach will meet with your clinician to review and adjust your care as needed.​​​
Low Dose Naltrexone therapy
​Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) has known positive impacts menopause symptoms, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, weight loss and more. Many clients with chronic issues benefit from LDN therapy. Skylight Wellness South offers a practical way to continue therapy which has been started elsewhere. ​One visit is required once per year to continue therapy; simple dose adjustments are covered by this yearly charge. Complex symptoms or problems will require a Fee for Service visit to manage and continue LDN therapy. Clients who are already on LDN may be treated, as long as the last Rx was filled less than 90 days ago, tou are currently still taking LDN daily, and have not had a break longer than seven days. You’ll need to send certain records to us in advance - we’ll talk to you about what we need. Want to try LDN, but are not currently taking it? No problem! You can either book a regular Fee for Service Initial Clinical Visit, or do Groundwork and join a Membership track. Higher dose (higher than 5 mg PO QD) LDN consistent with Contrave dosing is not currently offered.
addiction recovery counseling
It's a courageous and life-saving decision to get help for addiction and enter recovery. It's hard work and we can help. Our addiction counseling team believes in the whole body approach of addiction recovery. Together, we tackle the factors that greatly impact your recovery and walk alongside you to alleviate any guess work for what works best for you as you break the cycle of self-medicating. Ask us how you can save 15% when you prepay for 10 addiction counseling appointments!